Главная страница » Оборудование » Galileo
Name | Description |
HardVersion | Hardware version |
SoftVersion | Firmware version |
ID | Identifier of a device |
NumberOfPacket | Number of an archive record |
Height | Height, m |
HDOP | One of the values: HDOP, if GLONASS/GPS module is coordinates source Error in meters, if cellular base stations are a source |
StatusOfDevice | Status of device |
Vsource | Supply voltage, mV |
Vbattery | Battery voltage, mV |
Temperature | Inside temperature, °C |
OUT1, OUT2… OUTN | Status of outputs |
DIN1, DIN2 … DINN | Status of imputs |
AccX | acceleration by X axis |
AccY | acceleration by Y axis |
AccZ | acceleration by Z axis |
IN0 | Input voltage 0 Depending on settings: 1. voltage, mV, 2. number of pulses; 3. frequency,Hz. |
IN1 | Input voltage 1 Depending on settings: 1. voltage, mV, 2. number of pulses; 3. frequency,Hz. |
IN2 | Input voltage 2 Depending on settings: 1. voltage, mV, 2. number of pulses; 3. frequency,Hz. |
IN3 | Input voltage 3 Depending on settings: 1. voltage, mV, 2. number of pulses; 3. frequency,Hz. |
Omnicomm000 | RS232 0 |
Omnicomm001 | RS232 1 |
Temperature0/1/2../7 | Thermometer 1/2/../7 identifier and measured temperature, °C |
iButton | First iButton key identification number |
FMS_TF | CAN-bus and CAN-LOG data (CAN_A0). Fuel used by a vehicle from the date of manufacturing, l |
FMS_AF | CAN-bus and CAN-LOG data (CAN_A1). Fuel level, %; coolant temperature, ⁰C; Enginespeed, rpm. |
FMS_L | CAN-bus and CAN-LOG data (CAN_B0). Vehicle`s mileage, m. |
FMS | CAN_B1 |
CAN8_0 | CAN8BITR0 or vehicle speed from CAN-LOG, km/h |
CAN8_1 | CAN8BITR1 or the 2rd byte of prefix S CAN-LOG |
iButton_ID | The second iButton key identification number |
Mileage | Total mileage according to GPS/GLONASS units data, m |
iButton_State | State of iButton keys, identifiers of which are set by iButton command |
AIN0 | Input 4 values. Depending on settings: 1. voltage, mV 2. number of pulses 3. frequency, Hz |
AIN1 | Input 5 values. Depending on settings: 1. voltage, mV 2. number of pulses 3. frequency, Hz |
AIN2 | Input 6 values. Depending on settings: 1. voltage, mV 2. number of pulses 3. frequency, Hz |
AIN3 | Input 7 values. Depending on settings: 1. voltage, mV 2. number of pulses 3. frequency, H |
DS1923_0 /1/2…/7 | Zero DS1923 sensor Identifier, measured temperature ºC and humidity % |
RS485_0 1/2 | RS485 [N]. Fuel level sensor with address N |
llst0 | Extended data RS232[0]. Depending on settings: 1. Temperature from fuel level sensors connected to RS232 0, °C 2. Weight, received from weight identifier |
rs232_1 | Expanded data RS232[1]. Depending on the settings: 1. Temperature from fuel level sensors connected to Rs232[1], °C 2. Weight received from weight identifier |
llst1 | Temperature from fuel level sensors connected to RS485 port with address 0, °C |
llst2 | Temperature from fuel level sensors connected to RS485 port with address 1, °C |
llst3 | Temperature from fuel level sensors connected to RS485 port with address 2, °C |
Input8 /9/10/…/13 | Input N value. Depending on the settings, one of the options is the following: 1. voltage, mV; 2. number of pulses; frequency, Hz. |
Milliseconds | |
eco_acc | acceleration, units, 100 = 1g = 9,8 m/s2 |
eco_stop | breaking, units, 100 = 1g = 9,8 m/s2 |
eco_angl | cornering acceleration, 100 = 1g = 9,8 m/s2 |
eco_break | strike on bumps, 100 = 1g = 9,8 m/s2 |
TahoType | тип тахографа: 1 – ШТРИХ-Тахо RUS 2 – Атол Drive 5, Атол Drive Smart |
TahoState | состояние подключения к тахографу: 0 – не подключены (не пытались подключиться, после старта терминала) 1 – не авторизированы (пытались авторизоваться не получилось) 2 – авторизированы |
TahoMode | not supported |
TahoSpeed | Vehicle speed |
TahoTrip | Trip distance |
TahoIgnition | Ignition status |
TahoMass | |
TahoFeryTrain | |
TahoActivity | текущий вид деятельности: 0 – отдых 1 – готовность 2 – работа 3 – вождение |
TahoCardType | тип карты: 1 – Карта водителя 5 – Карта «не водителя» |
TahoCardNumber | Driver card number |
TahoActivity1 | |
TahoActivity1 | |
TahoActivityTime | |
TahoDrivingTime | |
TahoRestlessTime | |
TahoTahoVin | VIN code in ASCII |
TahoVrn | Vehicle plate number |